Love’s Secret Book Launch and Private Gathering
This book came during a period of life that was filled with Love. It wasn’t always an easy love- sometimes it was sweet and other times turbulent but I was learning about the Mystery, about how the Great Beloved reveals themselves through every facet of life- both the created world we can see but also the inner- the deep unfolding of the heart.
I doubt a time will come again that will contain the feeling of that first Kiss but I am beyond grateful that these words have found their way into life, and that there was no compromising when it came to producing this book- it has arrived how I imagined it to be. And for this I have immense gratitude.
Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad, thank you for believing in this vision and for saying that these words may be an imminent breath of the divine Beloved. It doesn’t feel that way to me- they feel simply like a being who was caught in the power of something unnamable and knew nothing better than to share completely- no holding back- simply the Truth as it arose.
This evening is a very sacred, special and unique opportunity to gather in person. As always, there is no pressure. Darkness, candlelight, beauty and simplicity. And possibly a few words, shared from the heart.
Join Us.
With love, Katie
Katie Abbott
Founder, Pause Place
Author, Love’s Secret- A Journey to the Beyond