Kaitlyn Crossley

It took me awhile to decide to join Pause Place. I had that instant gut reaction of ‘this is for me’, but then my mind took over and I was filled with whether it was the ‘right thing’ at the ‘right time.’ There is never a right time - there is only time and how we choose to live in it. Pause Place has been a resting place, my first experience of unconditional love, my first experience of trusting wholeheartedly. A fellowship of souls where there was no expectation or agenda, just emptiness. The tools we learned and experiences we shared reconnected me to my inherent gifts that I hadn’t acknowledged or didn’t know how to use. Joining Pause Place is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. If you’re getting that gut reaction and if you trust it, unbelievable magic awaits. 

CélinePause Place 2019