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The Transformation of the Heart

A very special Journey with Pause Place for 2024

Photo credit: Jacques Brun

The Transformation of the Heart

This is a very unique and special opportunity to devote oneself fully to the mystery and power of the divine.

Housed in the intimate red embrace of the Bedouin Tent at St Ethelburghs in the heart of London, we shall spend six months together, both in person and online to nourish, absorb and commit the soul fully to the expansive, radical and deeply mystical love of God, in all Her beauty.

The Transformation of the Heart was created for those seekers who wish to live a life of divine dependency, who wish to listen deeply enough to be taken fully and who need the container and community to go on this very personal, very private and intimate journey.

This journey has also been designed to bring together a community of souls who may not be able to be together in the physical presence so easily. There is both an in person and an online element and it is possible for you to do either, or both.

The length of this journey, beginning in the month of January and culminating in June gives us the time and space to orientate the heart and the soul to the ground of being necessary to serve the sacred, both within our own being, the being of others, the world around us and the mysteries we cannot see.

With commitment, devotion, anonymity and community, in our own unique way we shall nourish the part of ourselves that is not willing to live unless love, in all it’s facets resides at the centre.

Wether you are new to this journey of the soul, or just dipping your toe into the water, we welcome you.

It will be deep, intense, joyful, magnetic and most of all an opportunity to listen with the very core of your own being and offer this to Life Herself.

Our live dates will take place at The Bedouin Tent at St Ethelburghs in Liverpool Street, London on the following dates during 2024 from 10am to 4pm

Saturday 13th January 

Saturday 2nd March

Saturday 20th April

Saturday 1st June 

The Bedouin Tent at St Ethelburghs, our home for this journey

Our online dates will be taking place on the following Wednesday evenings from 8.30pm- 9.30pm GMT via Zoom

Wednesday 17th January

Wednesday 7th February

Wednesday 28th February

Wednesday 20th March

Wednesday 10th April

Wednesday 1st May

Wednesday 22nd May

Wednesday 12th June

What is this journey about?

This journey is truly the permission to give oneself to life fully. It is impossible to describe this in words- because it is more a feeling, a presence, something that stirs within ones soul. But it is a commitment to what is truest within you and truest within life.

There have been many of us who have been interested in this journey of spirituality for some time now, but to go there fully, it is useful to have a container and a community. The Transformation of the Heart is offering this container and this community. And the time and space necessary to transform the heart and to live from this place of pure potentiality and possibility.

Do I need to come to all the sessions?

You can come to as little or as much as you want and are able. If you are able to come to London, we will be together for four live Saturdays. But if you are only able to join us online, that is fine too.

Is this the same as Pause Place?

It is not the Pause Place Practitioner Training but it is the first time we will be coming together as a group, purely in service to love, presence and connection. It will be tender, full of beauty and the connections formed between those presence offering a sense of belonging that lasts life times.

What is included?

You will be held in the softness of love’s embrace. If you are able to be with us in physical presence, you will be given rose tea, a blanket, sheepskin rug, a raw uncut ruby of the deepest purple red, space to be quiet, space to lay your body, the tenderness of devotion and the firm grasp of the Beloved. The community we have gathered is indescribable. Each individual, on their own voyage, diligent, expansive and full of grace. An awakening and a healing. There is nothing expected of you other than an open mind. We will be carried by love’s warmth and transformed by love’s power.

If you have a personal question, you are welcome to email Katie at

Together in Mystery, Awake in Love

As soon as God touches a seeker, He gives that new believer an instinct to return to Him more perfectly and be united with Him

There is something within the believer than knows he has not been created for amusement or the trivals of the world but has an end which is centred in his lord

Something within the believer endeavours to cause him to return to a place deep within, to a place of rest

It is an instinctive thing this pull to return to God. Some receive it in a larger portion according to Gods design, others to a smaller degree by Gods design. But each believer has that loving impatience to return to his source of origin.

Madame Guyon, 17th Century Contemplative

Nourish me for I am hungry and hurry for time is a sword

We offer payment plans for all those who need. Please let us know if you cannot afford the full fee. We will endeavour to make this experience accessible for all. Please email

Together in Mystery, Awake in Love

“There is no way to describe what happens in these gatherings. Its a feeling, a knowing, a smile, a tear, a gaze, a breath, a movement. It’s the deepest dive into your most essential being. Ranging from profound fear, vulnerability and sorrow to joy, ecstasy and bliss all dancing together to the same tune. All that remain is love. A deep, abiding love.” Laurie Nouchka

“All I can say is, if you want to take the journey of a lifetime, to experience a holding like no other, the infinite, whilst being so utterly grounded in humanity, and loved in completeness. This is it.” Lou Villstrup

“It is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in a group. When we enter into this liminal world, we reach into the depth of our being, and even more beautifully into the depths of what is possible to feel as a collective energy.” Silje Lovise Gjertsen

“You will not know why you want to be there. You will just feel the call from the depths of your being. Divine things are effortless”. Sarah Thorneycroft