Pause Place presents an evening with Founder, Katie Abbott
♥️ SACRED PRESENCE ♥️ at 42 ACRES in Shoredtch on Thursday 26th April 2018 at 7pm
This will be an evening to explore the simplicity and sacredness of presence. Together we will deepen into our spiritual nature and discover the truth that speaks from deep within.
If you are curious about the power of being and how it can have a profound impact in every area of our lives, come and join us. Presence is the essence of connection and it is through a deeper connection with ourselves and others that our lives can be nourished and transformed.
Due to Katie’s commitment to private clients and her work with Pause Place, Katie does not often run public events. This is a special opportunity to enjoy the healing nature of 42 ACRES in the loving, open embrace of sacred presence.
This evening event will run from 7-9pm. There will be warm tea, cozy places to rest and be, calm, quiet, honest sharing, poetry and the mystery and beauty of the presence between us.