Imagine a space where there is no form, where there is nowhere to go, nothing to move towards, nothing to move away from
Where the body can begin to deepen, soften, enliven, breathe, know its self anew, feel its way through every moment
Imagine being seen but not judged, being loved but loved with freedom
To be held and honoured and yet not contained, not under any opinion or thought structure, but in presence,
Spacious, tender, impersonal and yet deeply touching
Nowhere to go, nothing to see, nothing to become, no one to be
Together, in mystery, in love, in oneness, in simplicity, in joy, in tears and in life
In this world but not of this world.
Both human and divine... Come and surrender into this mystery with us...
There is nowhere to go except everywhere
And going there together is magical.....
With love,
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Earlier Event: April 26
Sacred Presence with Pause Place Founder Katie Abbott
Later Event: August 31
Love's Secret: A Journey to the Beyond with Katie Abbott