Love’s Secret: A Journey to the Beyond with Pause Place Founder, Katie Abbott
Life awakens us in many different ways. Although the path is different for everyone, there is a certain quality of openness we can participate in that allows us to touch and be touched.
When life chooses to reveal it's deepest secrets to us is always a mystery, but to know that we are here; attentive, true, available, listening, present. This is when the possibility exists for us to be taken beyond. When we can no longer confine or define ourselves, others or the world in which we share. When we become the song love is waiting to sing.
Please save the eve of 31st August in your diary. It feels like it will be the last day of Summer so let’s celebrate and be together, in simplicity, silence, love and longing.
(There is nothing that you need to bring or prepare for this event. You simply need to arrive at 42 Acres in time to begin at 8pm. The doors will be open from 7.30pm.)