Join Katie and the group of Lovers for an intimate, energetically charged, spontaneous and devotional Journey.
If you have travelled with us before you will know of the intoxication, the sensitivity and the tenderness that is shared.
Never any pressure to respond, to say, to do.
These seven evenings are for those committed to The Path of Love. Whoever you are, if the heart is called, you are welcome.
All sessions will take place via Zoom. You will be invited to join a private group for sharing.
The dates are as follows: 1st June at 8.30pm, 8th June at 8.30pm, 15th June at 8.30pm, 22nd June at 8.30pm, 29th June at 8.30pm, 6th July at 8.30pm, 13th July at 8.30pm All sessions to take place via Zoom, BST (UK time) .
Love should keep you awake at night
You know how it is
When there is no where else to go but to enter In
To that place where the body becomes alive with light
No other lover but Love Itself, who will take you sweetly to the centre, to the core, safely
Divine light, healing light, the energy of light
Surrendered Soul, you know how it is
Just for a taste you must enter in, to your own soul, with all its sorrow and unloved joy, tenderness and torment
You know how it is
Surrendered soul
surrendered Soul
Surrendered Soul
‘It is difficult to talk about this work. Partly because it has so little form, partly because there is a degree of surrender involved that doesn’t lend itself to description or analysis.
In some ways the work has changed greatly over the years and in other ways it has stayed the same. The biggest shift that I can describe is the movement away from personal attention being placed upon us. Not to say this is a good thing, it is just how it is.
This space is for the silence itself. It is for the Beloved, or God, or the Presence or however you choose to describe the place in the soul you cannot name but that knows. Much of our humanity gets left by the way side and paradoxically we are returned it. But the attention is not placed on anywhere we can get to or anything we can become, we are left very much as we are, given more of ourselves than perhaps we bargained for.
But the space itself is given to Life. And it is for that reason that the soul can surrender. With no pressure to emerge victoriously, the heart settles and with no desire to transform, we are taken.
If I could describe it most clearly, I would say this work is for the soul. For the place within our centre which beats with fragility, with care and with dignity. We don’t know exactly what we are doing here, but we know we are here to feel. To love. To be alive.
And we are very much here to offer life this unique sensitivity, that is contained within us, that is released through silence, through beauty, through one another.
Surrendered Soul is seven weeks to explore your own longing, the secret of all secrets that lives within the core of our being. They say we have a personal life, a private life and a secret life. Perhaps we are exploring the secret life here, the part of us that can only be fulfilled by letting go completely, by giving ourselves fully.
Join us if you like. Always friendly and peaceful. Some kind of home within this crazy world of striving and becoming. The place where you can take off the bags, the luggage, all the excess and pray to God with your whole being.’
Katie Abbott
Seven weeks together, online, beginning 1st June 2022