A twelve week Journey with Katie Abbott
Beginning Wednesday 5th January 2022 at 8.30pm UK time online
For all those travelling the Path of Love
The Wings of Love
The Wings of Love is a twelve week journey online with Pause Place Founder Katie Abbott.
If you know this work, you will know that it is deep, loving, healing and expansive. It is mystical in nature and works with the formless, intangible, pure and undiluted Love of God.
Over twelve weeks we will be deepening our devotion and awakening the heart and soul to Its true nature.
There is never a plan or a structure. The sessions themselves unfold as in a poem, taking us deeper and deeper into union and submission.
Everyone who partakes is free to be exactly as they are and left alone in their uniqueness. There is never a pressure to speak or share however the group becomes an incredible source of nourishment and is bonded deeply in both the inner and outer worlds.
The space is held with a unique and powerful energy. This can be felt throughout every cell in the being and is undeniable in its majesty and beauty.
It is this energy that will take us from this world to the next and beyond.
It is this energy that will give us wings to return Home.
If you would like to join us please email angie@pauseplace.com
No one is turned away. We are open to all, no matter your circumstances.
We welcome you with open arms.
Together in mystery, awake in love
Photo credit: Harry Richardson Cremer, Study with Scarf, 1932